I have been working on may game projects for the Thomson machines but I will post here a couple of those I am more interested in. I hope that posting these will keep me motivated to finish them.
The first project is a game that I am thinking of porting to several other 8 bit machines too but it all started with the TO8 version. I hope this will be my first Amstrad CPC game too.
MO5 and TO7 with colour changes
Fichier(s) joint(s):
ovosmo5to7.png [ 2.83 Kio | Vu 36045 fois ]
Fichier(s) joint(s):
ovosto8.png [ 3.38 Kio | Vu 36045 fois ]
The second project was an excuse to try to remove colour clash and increase background colour use in Mode0 (native mode of the MO5 and TO7)
This last one uses what I call super colour mode on the MO5 XD
Fichier(s) joint(s):
mo5invaders.png [ 2.65 Kio | Vu 36045 fois ]
I have coded several sprite engines for mode 0 and mode 3, some take more memory and are fast others are slower but take less memory. I have also coded several tools to help me with gfx etc. My greatest problem will be with sound/music generation...