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MessagePosté: 21 Mar 2018, 15:02 
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Inscription: 04 Jan 2013, 13:18
Messages: 76
I have been working on may game projects for the Thomson machines but I will post here a couple of those I am more interested in. I hope that posting these will keep me motivated to finish them.

The first project is a game that I am thinking of porting to several other 8 bit machines too but it all started with the TO8 version. I hope this will be my first Amstrad CPC game too.

MO5 and TO7 with colour changes
Fichier(s) joint(s):
ovosmo5to7.png [ 2.83 Kio | Vu 36045 fois ]

Fichier(s) joint(s):
ovosto8.png [ 3.38 Kio | Vu 36045 fois ]

The second project was an excuse to try to remove colour clash and increase background colour use in Mode0 (native mode of the MO5 and TO7)

This last one uses what I call super colour mode on the MO5 XD
Fichier(s) joint(s):
mo5invaders.png [ 2.65 Kio | Vu 36045 fois ]

I have coded several sprite engines for mode 0 and mode 3, some take more memory and are fast others are slower but take less memory. I have also coded several tools to help me with gfx etc. My greatest problem will be with sound/music generation...

Dernière édition par W_oo_d le 22 Mar 2018, 09:31, édité 1 fois.

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MessagePosté: 22 Mar 2018, 00:48 
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Inscription: 27 Juin 2006, 19:44
Messages: 1085
Localisation: France (24)
Wow! Are those pictures really the screens of your games? Very good :good:

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MessagePosté: 22 Mar 2018, 09:21 
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Inscription: 04 Jan 2013, 13:18
Messages: 76
Prehisto a écrit:
Wow! Are those pictures really the screens of your games? Very good :good:

The first one for the MO5 which is a version of the TO8 game is just a mockup.

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MessagePosté: 22 Mar 2018, 10:10 
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Inscription: 12 Fév 2014, 23:34
Messages: 56
Localisation: Londres / Orléans
Indeed, great job! The games look really colourful and quite fun already just with a screenshot.

Looking forward to seeing more of this.

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MessagePosté: 22 Mar 2018, 12:22 
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Inscription: 21 Aoû 2006, 09:06
Messages: 1822
Localisation: Brest
Supercolor mode is astounding. The work around the color clash using alternate lines produce marvelous results. My eye is totally fooled and do not notice the trick at first sight. Congratulations!

For sound, lets get rid of in-game music and only keep the sound-effects. In that case simple buzzer-effects might be sufficient for a (Thomson) game and will not steal lots of cpu-cycles.

I enjoy new prods for thomson. Keep the good work! :)

Good morning, that's a nice Tnetennba

Dernière édition par Samuel Devulder le 22 Mar 2018, 13:51, édité 1 fois.

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MessagePosté: 22 Mar 2018, 12:42 
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Inscription: 04 Jan 2013, 13:18
Messages: 76
Thank you guys.

Before the space invaders game I was playing with the new supercolor mode, unfortunately the background picture is the same:

Fichier(s) joint(s):
supercolor.png [ 2.48 Kio | Vu 36031 fois ]

Dernière édition par W_oo_d le 22 Mar 2018, 14:08, édité 1 fois.

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MessagePosté: 22 Mar 2018, 13:57 
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Inscription: 21 Aoû 2006, 09:06
Messages: 1822
Localisation: Brest
Is the youtube link correct? It points to a 7 hour video :eek:

Good morning, that's a nice Tnetennba

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MessagePosté: 22 Mar 2018, 14:09 
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Inscription: 04 Jan 2013, 13:18
Messages: 76
Samuel Devulder a écrit:
Is the youtube link correct? It points to a 7 hour video :eek:

Oops I don't know how that ended here XD

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MessagePosté: 23 Mar 2018, 00:00 
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Inscription: 21 Aoû 2006, 09:06
Messages: 1822
Localisation: Brest
That SuperColor mode is fascinating. You only need to draw on the "pixel" video-ram to render the sprites. This is faster than modifying forground and background together. This is very clever! Congrats for finding this trick. It is very inspiring.

If you need some other backgrounds, you can try the converter ostro_mo5xd.lua of the enclosed zip. It contains a quick adaptation of my conversion script to the SuperColor mode:
  • Every odd line is white on black
  • Every even line is some fg color on black
So if your sprites are
  • Every odd line "on" pixels appear white
  • Every even line "off" pixels appear as black.

For a first try, it tend to produce some very nice background images compatible with the SuperColor mode. Extra samples are available there: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=383&p=5291#p5291

Fichiers joints:
Commentaire: try thomson/ostro_mo5xd.lua
converters.zip [34.87 Kio]
Téléchargé 1747 fois
i18.gif [ 3.12 Kio | Vu 36020 fois ]
i4.gif [ 7.31 Kio | Vu 36022 fois ]

Good morning, that's a nice Tnetennba

Dernière édition par Samuel Devulder le 23 Mar 2018, 13:40, édité 1 fois.
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MessagePosté: 23 Mar 2018, 09:52 
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Inscription: 04 Jan 2013, 13:18
Messages: 76
Very nice pictures.
Thanks for the converter. I can add some superb backgrounds to the game now.

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MessagePosté: 15 Juin 2018, 22:05 
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Inscription: 04 Jan 2013, 13:18
Messages: 76
Tah dah another project of mine for the Thomson(To8/Mo6) :)

Smooth multi-directional scroll moving at 1 pixel (or more) at 50hz.
The size of the scroll window is 28 bytes * 128 lines

See video here: pic.twitter.com/uXX4IFLCFy

I am thinking of using this for a game but it will run at 25hz as I need another frame for sprites.

PS: the video runs at a very low rate, on the machine it is completely smooth.

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MessagePosté: 15 Juin 2018, 22:22 
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Inscription: 04 Jan 2013, 13:18
Messages: 76
The video at 50 fps Video :)

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MessagePosté: 16 Juin 2018, 00:20 
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Inscription: 21 Aoû 2006, 09:06
Messages: 1822
Localisation: Brest
This is pretty impressive. I wouldn't believe it was possible to quickly scroll screen on a per-pixel basis. Well done! :coolfuck:

Good morning, that's a nice Tnetennba

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MessagePosté: 16 Juin 2018, 14:25 
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Inscription: 04 Jan 2013, 13:18
Messages: 76
Samuel Devulder a écrit:
This is pretty impressive. I wouldn't believe it was possible to quickly scroll screen on a per-pixel basis. Well done! :coolfuck:

Thank you Samuel :)

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MessagePosté: 16 Juin 2018, 14:36 
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Inscription: 04 Jan 2013, 13:18
Messages: 76
The engine running on my TO8D

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