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MessagePosté: 14 Oct 2018, 12:44 
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Inscription: 08 Oct 2018, 17:24
Messages: 18
Hi guys, my first time here, nice to meet you :)

I'm currently writing a prototype for MO6 and i'm facing two little issues.

1) At the beginning of my code, i paint black page 2 and page 3 to erase the screen, and that works when assembling and executing from the environment. But if i assemble the BIN and try to launch it from Basic (LOADM"FILE",,R) the artifacts on page 3 are still on the screen. You can then overlay by moving the sprites so i think there's something wrong in the initialization here...?

Image Image

2) I would try to draw sprites on the fly by code, but this leads to write very big files and i'm forced to assemble the BIN on disk and test my work by executing from Basic. Of course, when i back to macro assembler env, the resident code is lost and i have to reload the ASM. That's a little uncomfortable. Can i do it in any other way? I'm still a beginner and this is the first time i have to handle such a "big" project.

Thank you so much :)

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MessagePosté: 14 Oct 2018, 14:54 
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Inscription: 27 Juin 2006, 19:44
Messages: 1075
Localisation: France (24)
GarlandRaven a écrit:
Hi guys, my first time here, nice to meet you :)

I'm currently writing a prototype for MO6 and i'm facing two little issues.

1) At the beginning of my code, i paint black page 2 and page 3 to erase the screen, and that works when assembling and executing from the environment. But if i assemble the BIN and try to launch it from Basic (LOADM"FILE",,R) the artifacts on page 3 are still on the screen. You can then overlay by moving the sprites so i think there's something wrong in the initialization here...?

It would have been better if you show us the full code. Difficult to say what is wrong otherwise.

GarlandRaven a écrit:
2) I would try to draw sprites on the fly by code, but this leads to write very big files and i'm forced to assemble the BIN on disk and test my work by executing from Basic. Of course, when i back to macro assembler env, the resident code is lost and i have to reload the ASM. That's a little uncomfortable. Can i do it in any other way? I'm still a beginner and this is the first time i have to handle such a "big" project.

Thank you so much :)

If you want to work with the original computer, there is no other way. It's uncomfortable but... it's like that.
Try with an MC6809 assembler on PC and an emulator instead.

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MessagePosté: 14 Oct 2018, 15:26 
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Inscription: 08 Oct 2018, 17:24
Messages: 18
Prehisto a écrit:
It would have been better if you show us the full code. Difficult to say what is wrong otherwise.

Well, it's fixed now, it seemed a initial config issue as i said.

Sorry for the newbie question but i don't know how to copy and paste the code snippet since i'm working directly on .sap files, anyway this is what i'm doing to clear screens:

LDA #$7B     .BIT16

LDB #$80
STB $A7DD .Page 2 display
LDB #$03
STB $A7E5  .Set page 3

LDB #$c0
STB $A7DD .Page 3 display
LDB #$02
STB $A7E5  .Set page 2

LDA #$00
LDY #$6000

This simple code erases both pages if executed on macro assembler, but it doesnt seem to work if you load the .BIN from Basic as page 3 still show artifacts. I tried to add an extra CLRP after JSR SET3 for test, and that worked, so it seems like the initial page was not the same from macroassembler to basic bin execution. I'm missing something for sure :)

If you want to work with the original computer, there is no other way. It's uncomfortable but... it's like that.
Try with an MC6809 assembler on PC and an emulator instead.

I am already working on DCMOTO and i assemble with your 3.6, but i have also the C809 assembler for win and unix, so if i build from there how can i test my BIN into the emulator?

Thank you again :)

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MessagePosté: 14 Oct 2018, 16:12 
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Inscription: 21 Aoû 2006, 09:06
Messages: 1809
Localisation: Brest
GarlandRaven a écrit:
I am already working on DCMOTO and i assemble with your 3.6, but i have also the C809 assembler for win and unix, so if i build from there how can i test my BIN into the emulator?

You can tell C6809 to produce "raw" binary files by providing the "-bd" option on the cmd-line. Here is an excerpt from my own Makefiles:
bin/%.raw: asm/%.ass $(C6809)
        -$(C6809) -bd -am -oOP "$<" "$@"

Then in DCMOTO, using the debug tool, you can load that RAW file into a specific memory location.

Good morning, that's a nice Tnetennba

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MessagePosté: 14 Oct 2018, 16:51 
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Inscription: 08 Oct 2018, 17:24
Messages: 18
Thank you ! :good:

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MessagePosté: 18 Oct 2018, 23:35 
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Inscription: 08 Oct 2018, 17:24
Messages: 18
Can i transfer the bin in .sap file (virtually, not for real) and load it as normal virtual floppy on DCMOTO? I saw there are some tools like SAPTOOL but i don't know if they works for this case specifically.

Thanks :)

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MessagePosté: 19 Oct 2018, 06:48 
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Inscription: 21 Aoû 2006, 09:06
Messages: 1809
Localisation: Brest
Yes you can transfer the BIN file into a SAP file and then load that SAP file in any emulator. It works like a charm.

Good morning, that's a nice Tnetennba

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MessagePosté: 19 Oct 2018, 09:40 
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Inscription: 08 Oct 2018, 17:24
Messages: 18
Samuel Devulder a écrit:
Yes you can transfer the BIN file into a SAP file and then load that SAP file in any emulator. It works like a charm.

What do you use to transfer the bin into SAP ?

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MessagePosté: 19 Oct 2018, 11:16 
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Inscription: 21 Aoû 2006, 09:06
Messages: 1809
Localisation: Brest
I use the sap2fs tool or maybe the sapfs tool, I don't recall the name because it is always used via makefile. I'll need to check when I'm at home later today [EDIT]tomorrow ;). I use: sapfs.exe compiled along with teo sources (https://sourceforge.net/p/teoemulator/c ... ap/sapfs.c)

Good morning, that's a nice Tnetennba

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