jmk a écrit:
Hello everyone, I am new here and to the world of Thomson computers! I have programmed a couple of 6809 games for the Dragon/Tandy computers in the last few years.
The Thomson range is unknown in the UK, despite being a neighbouring country. Using the 6809, we had the Dragon, Tandy Color Computer and Vectrex. It seems that there were few 6809-based computers/consoles compared to other CPUs, so I am curious about the Thomson system and have a few questions.
Yes 6809E mircopocessor is a good one, the last before the 68000. It has timer for instance and also the MUL instruction which not exist in other 8 bits processors
How popular were the Thomson machines, were they sold outside of France, what years were they sold in?
Prehisto answer well about that, bit concerning sold computers, 700.000 of all THomson MOTO (the half of BBC Micro sold, 1.5 millions, which is a good 8 buts computering computer) were sold. Far under the C64 (15 to 20 millions), Apple II, Atari 8 bits computers maybe ?
Were they popular for games? (There are a few games that we would recognise over here, but not a great deal of them).
Well I just did a video about the 100 best video game on Thomson 8 bits computers here
There are many car races, sport games, plane simulators. And some 3D games (3D fight, and Minotaure 3D are very well programmed!)
Which models are most likely to be (or have been) in the average home? (e.g. which hardware configuration would a piece of software have to be written for to run on the most machines?)
Better use TO8 for best games (16 Ko or video RAM, 9 video modes as the 320x200 bitmap 4 colors or 160x200 bp 16 colors), among 4096 colors.
TO and MO. Erm? Why two sets of slightly different hardware?
No different hardware (apart the better Gate Array in TO8/TO9+/MO6). But the ROM aren't organised in same (different location for RAM video between MO - at 0 logical adress- and TO - at H4000 adress for instance)! The adress of processus are in different zone between MO and TO. But Basic are the same between 2 standartd... You just have to take care about the adress of binary process between 2 if you use some assembly processus.
From what I read, the screen seems to be about 16K, but there is no hardware scroll and the CPU is always 1Mhz?

(From Dragon/Tandy I am used to a 2K/3K/6K screen with 0.9Mhz).
No hard Scrolling (as for Apple II, BBC Micro, ZXSpectrum, Oric Atmos, but the Atari 400/800, Commodore 64 and Amstrad did hav a hard scrolling and what about MSX ?)
But it exists good games with good scrolling on Thomson : Prohibition, Lee Enfied Space Ace, Demonia, Avenger, Space tunnel (even if the game play of it is not good)...
No proper soundchip? (Like Dragon/Tandy).
It exist a musical synthetisor with many option as attack.. And it also exist a CAN in 6 bits which can play a rather good digit sampling (the Atari STE is a 8 bit CAN). See the "Mission : LiftOff" game and many game have numerical sounds...
Is there still a "scene" making games for the Thomsons?
Badly, only a few one at the opposite of C64, MSX... Whereas it exists very good Programming language (Pascal Base, Basic 512, Basic compilator, Assembler 6809) and the hardware is rather good (256 to 512 KO of RAM, the best 8 bits computer in that side, 16 kO of RAM, 4096 colors in palet, screen from 160x200 to 640x200, CAN 6 bits, 3.5" floppy disk), this TO8 is a good computer. It's like a short Atari ST computer (we can consider it's an hald of ST capacities, 0.5 MIPS, 16 kO Video RAM, 256 to 500 ko RAM, 6 bits CAN, we can consider that TO8 is in somewhere between a BBC Micro and an Atari ST).